sábado, 2 de junio de 2012


Il falegname di Livonia, ossia Pietro il grande, Kzar delle Russie[1] (título original en italiano; en español, El carpintero de Livonia) es una ópera semiseria (melodramma burlesco) en dos actos con música de Gaetano Donizetti y libreto del marqués Gherardo Bevilacqua-Aldobrandini. Se estrenó en el Teatro San Samuele de Venecia el 26 de diciembre de 1819.
El episodio de la formación del zar Pedro el Grande empleado como un simple obrero en un astillero naval ha tenido fortuna lírica. La ópera más célebre es la de Albert Lortzing Zar und Zimmermann (1837), y además ha inspirado a Grétry (Pierre le Grand, 1790), Meyerbeer (L'Étoile du Nord, 1854) y Donizetti por dos veces: en Il falegname di Livonia y, en segundo lugar, en Il borgomastro di Sardaam (1827).

Donizetti composed the two-act opera buffa Il falgname di Livonia for the winter carnivale season at the Teatro San Samuele in Venice. The premiere took place on December 26, 1819, and was greeted with positive reviews. The libretto was written by Marchese Gherardo Bevilacqua-Aldobrandini, and based on the play Le menuisier de Livonie by Alexandre Duval. The intermediary source was Felice Romani's libretto to a Pacini opera, also called Il falgname di Livonia. Donizetti's score is heavily indebted to Rossini, but Donizetti now has the maturity and distance from his mentor to indulge in some parody and burlesque of the older composer's style. Although this is a promising and interesting work, and was staged several times in the composer's lifetime, it is of minor importance in his overall oeuvre. ~ Rita Laurance, Rovi.
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