miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2024


The introduction of more inclusive institutions, less extraction and the rule of law would create long-term benefits. So why don’t the elite simply replace the existing economic system?
The laureates’ model for explaining the circumstances under which political institutions are formed and changed has three components. The first is a conflict over how resources are allocated and who holds decision-making power in a society (the elite or the masses). The second is that the masses sometimes have the opportunity to exercise power by mobilising and threatening the ruling elite; power in a society is thus more than the power to make decisions. The third is the commitment problem, which means that the only alternative is for the elite to hand over decision-making power to the populace.

Acemoglu, Johnson y Robinson ganan el Nobel de Economía por sus estudios sobre las causas de la prosperidad.
Los economistas han recibido el galardón por sus investigaciones sobre la influencia de la fortaleza institucional en los diferentes niveles de riqueza de los países tras la descolonización.

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