martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012


*Trails and ways
During a protest that shut down the largest mountaintop removal site in Appalachia, at least 20 activists were arrested and still remain in jail on a $500,000 combined bail. Fortunately for them, they have friends in the Bay Area-based band Trails and Ways, who have been getting increasing attention for their particularly political folksy dream-pop. Their latest track, “Mtn Tune,” showcases their ability to seamlessly weave introspective yet upbeat layers together with the bewitching male-female call-and-response that we can’t seem to get away from these days (not that we want to). They’re using the song to call attention to a campaign to bail their radical buddies out of jail and bring attention to the struggles of Appalachian people, so make sure to check out the cause if you like what they have going on.

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